Hello, I want to use Noraxon equipment to measure the EMG signal of masticatory muscles in living humans performing isometric biting tasks to a submaximal bite force, which last on average 1.5 seconds. I have read several articles to define the protocol and parameters to filter and process the signal. but they vary a lot. My questions are:

- When an initial filter has been set during the recording phase (let's say 500 Hz), how do I know if a new filter is necessary at the smoothing phase?

- In preliminary tests, the time before and after peak activity (as calculated by the system) was 100 ms each. So, if I understood right from literature I think I should use 200 ms to measure muscle activity. Is this correct?

- If I choose 200 ms, and given that each muscle contraction lasts for 1.5 s, How should I pick the part of the burst where to take those 200 ms from? could I just use a longer period (e.g 1 s)?

- If I smooth the signal using rms over a long period of time (500 ms), I get a nice curve which would allow me to pick the peak of muscle activity for my analysis. St-Amant et al (Proceedings of the 1996 IEEE Twenty-Second Annual Northeast, p. 93-94) say that this long period gives a better signal-to-noise ratio. Is this ok in my case? how can I estimate how much time to use for rms smoothing?

- Which role plays the "sampling frequency" in an analysis as the one I have presented here? Some articles talk about it, but it is not general, and I don't really understand if it is just an alternative method to define periods or it is indeed a mandatory step in the analysis?

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