Careless family
Bad friends
Uncontrolled internet
School problems
Others ....
Careless family...
when a kid has a good and firm family background, he has no need to experiment and call for attention... He can avoid the influence of bad friends (he will not have them, because he will avoid pathologic communities) and he will use internet wisely. (He would feel guilty if reading inappropriate content).
And if the child wants to try "dangerous" things during the teen-age, (s)he will... but after experimenting, (s)he will get back to the "right path" - thanks to the caring parents and family.
Maria Strenacikova, Rama I. Ali, Ahmadi Murjani, Francesco L. Giusepe, Laura Wepler and Jule Riarsy
Thank you for your answers
Careless family as well as overprotection.
In the absence of the family’s attention, the child quickly finds idols who are not always worthy. But with hyper-care (=overprotection), he is often not socialized and does not know how to make decisions himself - he is waiting for the decision of authority. Sometimes it ends sadly.
for me I say all mentioned proposition are dangerous and the most dangerous and worst one is "the bad education" because Education is the most important value in a society.
"Investment in education is investment in people and in a nation’s future".
Dear Sandra,
"Which one Is the worst and most dangerous in educating children: Careless family; Bad friends; Uncontrolled internet? -- You ask.
As I see it, it is difficult to choose which of these variables is the worst and most dangerous in educating children. First, on several occasions they occur simultaneously and, second there are several degrees in what can be called careless family; bad friends; and uncontrolled internet.
There is amassing evidence that shows that careless family hinders the child's psychological development and education. Children who, for example, are not loved by their caregivers, which is an example of careless education, may become unable to love and be concerned with, an empathic to, others' well-being.
There are bad and bad friends. Even so, there is no good for the child's psychological development, be it social, moral or emotional, to have, say, bad friends. There is an old saying that says the following: "Tell me what your friends are, and I'll tell you the type of person you are or will be." This represents an accumulated wisdom that it is good to have good friends.
There is also uncontrolled and uncontrolled internet. Uncontrolled internet, however, is dangerous for children's psychological development and education. First, uncontrolled internet may be an opportunity for children to access what is not appropriate to their age. Second, uncontrolled internet can deprive chidren from having time enough, for instance, to study and do their homework.
The precedent considerations shows us that it is a difficult task to say which of the three mentioned parameters are most dangerous in educating children. If, as a devlopmental psychologist, I had to rank them, my order would be the following: Poor parenting or careless family; uncontrolled internet; and bad friends.
I would like to add to your list one additional factor. As I developmental psychologist, I would say that one of the most dangerous realities in the educational domain, namely in the rich and developed families and countries, is what I call children's lack of the sense of contingency, which results from poor parenting. In other words, there is now a tendency, mainly in rich families, to reward children's regardless of their behaviors. When this is the case, children are being spoilt and led to think that they can get all they want independently of their behaviors. The lack of the sense of contingency on the part of many rich children is mainly due to a kind of blackmail on the part of their parents. Because rich families often have tittle time to stay with their children, they tend to compensate for this reality by giving them what, say, they didn'd earn or deserve, for instance, for performing well in school, family, or society at large.
Best regards,
Vadim S. Gorshkov, حنان علي احمد محمود, Merna Ali Khan, Muhammad Faheem Jan, Amina Benabderrahmane, Orlando M Lourenço
Thank you for your answers
Eman H. Utman, Nancy Bosalis, Helena Galindal, Brian Fulknar, Helena Galindal
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All are worst:
Careless family
Bad friends
Uncontrolled internet
School problems
Lack of congruity between the things taught and the things practiced. As the wise adage goes: " You should practice what you preach".
Bad friends are the key. We must learn our children how to choose their friends.
Helena Galindal, Brian Fulknar, Pedro Contreras, Adam Eladis, Reza Biria, Adam Eladis, Manuel D. Albeirt
Thank you for your answers
Hania M. Jawer, Aziz R. Nurul, Aulia A. Taufik, Martin Gallasher, Eva S. Robeirt, Francesco L. Giusepe, Seema Dobin
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Children should be raised right to understand the values. Primary care is from Parent's side and is of utmost importance. Proper care is essential to develop a good and nurturing mindset. To understand the good and bad.
Issues related to family and teachers are considered the most important factors; in determining students academic performance.
Careless family is worst. Family is a source of primary socialization, other two are sources of secondary socialization.
Family, friends and the Internet, all three are means of socialization for children. Sutherland's theory of deviance posits that children get influenced by bad company of friends, so parents need to counteract bad influences. Internet exerts bad influences through friends, through social media, and other sites. Again good parenting can provide protective role.
Dear Sandra, the order is correct: careless family, bad friends and the internet without control.
However, the educational problem has other complexities and challenges, among them there is a very fundamental one: the state of mental health with which teachers assume the task of teaching.
A good model of professional behavior that can contribute to the good education of the child is expected, but the opposite can also happen.
There is a whole science that is based on the existing unity between good didactics and the state of satisfaction of teachers. Good teachers decide as much as everything else.
There are more arguments in:
Chapter Quality of life and education in the knowledge society
Careless family + Bad friends = children motivate to do any bad thing.
Muhammad Younas, Maham Muzamil, Gulzar Shah, Zainab A Makawi, Rama I. Ali
Thank you for your answers.
Reinaldo Requeiro, Laura Wepler, Jule Riarsy
Thank you for your answers.
Family , love is what makes kids confident and strong individuals the rest is a process that never ends . They will out grow internet , they will snap out of bad friendships iff (if and only if) they are loved ...
All of which pose a danger to the child's learning, but the risk of not following the child continuously (neglect) by his family is the most dangerous .
Dawood Mahdi, Aparna Sathya Murthy, Ammar A. Oglat, Zin Eddine Dadach, Elisa J. Gregore, Manuel D. Albeirt, Eman H. Utman, Wahag Abass
Thank you for your answers.
Mohammed Shwaish, Nancy Bosalis, Helena Galindal, Brian Fulknar, Adam Eladis, Aziz R. Nurul, Ismail Younis Al-Hadeedy, Damir Vucic, Manesha Soorajee, Aulia A. Taufik, Martin Gallasher
Thank you for your answers.
A family that is not careless can control other bad influences. Therefore careless family is the worst.
Is you are teacher or parents tell him/her do not do that
but you do it.
Na verdade penso que devemos começar nos perguntando sobre o que é educação, ou mesmo sobre o que é educar ou não educar.
Ainda hoje temos um sistema de educação que segue as bases epistemológicas de Immanuel Kant, acredita que educar-se é o mesmo que socializar-se ou endoculturar-se, e que o homem, nesse sentido, é também aquilo que a educação ou a cultura dele faz. Ser um cidadão dito educado para Kant, dentro desse contexto, é, após ser socializado enquanto criança nas escolas, tornar-se um adulto capaz de moralmente agir de forma autônoma, isto é, de obedecer as regras de convívio social sem ninguém precisar mandar, etc. (Kant chama essas regras morais de imperativos categóricos porque, segundo ele, elas possuem valor em si).
Respondendo então à pergunta:
Dentro da perspectiva da filosofia de Kant, tanto uma família descuidada, quanto uma internet descontrolada, quanto ditos maus amigos etc. ou problemas escolares seriam empecilhos reais à formação da criança. A família, a escola e os grupos de amigos teriam um peso maior nesse processo, pois são espaços-tempos concretos em que as crianças são direta e/ou indiretamente socializadas.
Numa outra via, se pesarmos de forma diferente do pensamento de Kant, se pensarmos, por exemplo, que o cesso à educação não é o mesmo que o acesso à cultura, que socialização cultural não é o mesmo que um processo de educação ou que endoculturar-se não é o mesmo que educar-se, ou seja, se pensarmos que educar não é formatar ou formar os seres a um dito padrão cultural, mas sim criar-se possibilidades para que os alunos sejam o que eles trazem em si ou para que eles construam suas identidades de forma livre ou verdadeiramente autônoma e/ou emancipada, então as diferentes famílias, os diferentes amigos, a internet e as escolas não são e nem seriam problemas problemas, mas universos ricos de possibilidades.
According to me, careless family is the most dangerous thing. If the family understand the child properly, they can control the child to some extent. The bad friends and uncontrolled internet use of a child are mostly due to decrease in interaction time with the family members, especially parents.
Careless family. I have found that most friends are bad/experimental/finding your place friends until high school and older.
Careless family.
Lack of parents love
Lack of attachment
Lack of vital fulfillment and limits
When parents are uncooperative, non-understanding, non-respectful of each other, and parents' ethics are bad
In my opinion, friends have a positive /negative influence or impact on their peers more than other factors.
Dr. Dawood Mahdi, friends have major influence on their peers especially when parents are careless.
Use the internet and mobile continuously.As well as choosing friends has a positive or negative effect.