I have 74 items (Importance rating for security & privacy threats). Using a qualitative method (N=42) these items were already divided into 14 areas. However, I wanted to see how many areas/domains surfaces for N=861.
I applied EFA, though I was sensing CFA would be more appropriate here.
I followed the guidelines provided by:
1. Ledesma, R. D., & Valero-Mora, P. (2007). Determining the number of factors to retain in EFA: An easy-to-use computer program for carrying out parallel analysis. Practical assessment, research & evaluation, 12(2), 1-11.
2. Osborne, J. W., & Costello, A. B. (2009). Best practices in exploratory factor analysis: Four recommendations for getting the most from your analysis. Pan-Pacific Management Review, 12(2), 131-146.
I used Principal Axis Factors using Direct Oblimin rotation, with item loading >0,3. However, I changed factor extractions every time.
1. I used notorious Eigenvalue >1 rule, resulted in 10 factors (just to check)
2. Observed Sree plot. The plot has a big elbow for factors=4 and small elbows at Factor=, 6, 9, 12 and 14. [Attached]
3. Conducted Parallel Analysis (PA) (Monte Carlo Simulation) using 95 percentile, principal axis/common factor analysis and permutations for raw data set. (This was my first time running it and graph was not generated due to some error, which I couldn't figure out). However, using table I found that data should have 15 factors.
It was all confusing for me as priori factor structure was 14, Scree plot showed 4,6,9,12 & 14 possible factors and PA suggested 15. Therefore, I decided to conduct multiple factor analysis as suggested by (Osborne, J. W., & Costello, A. B. 2009). I ran EFA with 11 to 16 no. of factors to be extracted, item loading >0,3, items per factor not less than 3, and found following:
For 11:
No. of factors (items): 11(65)
Items to be dropped: 9
(5 non-related items conjugated into one factors, 4 items not loaded)
Additional: 1 item be removed from one of the 11 factors being irrelevant.
No. of items cross loading: 7
End result: 11(64)
For 12:
No. of factors (items): 12(69)
Items to be dropped: 5
(5 non-related items conjugated into one factors)
Additional: 2 items to be removed form 1 of 12 factors, being irrelevant to theme of the factor)
No. of items cross loading: 7
End result: 12(67)
For 13:
No. of factors (items): 12(65)
Items to be dropped: 9
(5 non-related items conjugated into one factors, 4 items not loaded)
Additional: 1 item be removed from one of the 11 factors being irrelevant.
No. of items cross loading: 7
End result: 12(64)
For 14:
No. of factors (items): 12(64)
Items to be dropped: 10
(5 non-related items conjugated into one factors, 2 items not loaded, 3 items were either along or less than 3 items).
Additional: 1 item be removed from one of the 11 factors being irrelevant.
No. of items cross loading: 9
End result: 12(63)
For 15:
No. of factors (items): 12(64)
Items to be dropped: 10
(5 non-related items conjugated into one factors, 2 items not loaded, 3 items were either along or less than 3 items).
No. of items cross loading: 8
End result: 12(64)
For 16:
No. of factors (items): 12(62)
Items to be dropped: 12
(5 non-related items conjugated into one factors, 3 items not loaded, 4 items were either alone or less than 3 items).
No. of items cross loading: 4
End result: 12(62)
It is pertinent to mention that in all the cases, none of the cross loadings were such that could be used for decreasing number of items to be dropped.
Now the question is that, If I want to retain as many items as possible without violating any of best practices of EFA, which solution is best. Personally, Factors0 12 looks promising to me.
I am open to criticism and comments.