I know of a few books (Sudfeldt, Christoph, et al. Atlas Deutscher Brutvogelarten. Stiftung Vogelmonitoring Deutschland und Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, 2014.; Gatter, Wulf. Vogelzug und Vogelbestände in Mitteleuropa: 30 Jahre Beobachtung des Tagzugs am Randecker Maar; mit 16 Farbtafeln. Aula-Verlag, 2000.) which depict the migration routes of european birds based on observations and ringings on a broad scale. But is digital map data available which summarizes those kind of findings into routes or even quantifies the intensity of migration events? I recently read Liechti, Felix, Jérôme Guélat, and Susanna Komenda-Zehnder. "Modelling the spatial concentrations of bird migration to assess conflicts with wind turbines." Biological conservation 162 (2013): 24-32. and was quite impressed by accuracy and coverage of the published maps (I know of the limitings).
Thank you very much