I would like to extract attributes of a table which are mentioned in Plain text. What is a best approach to be followed : Is it supervised, semi-supervised or unsupervised ?

I have some sample case studies but I have not had big training set.

below is example of a case study:

"Consider the following relational database for Fester Zoo. Fester Zoo wants to maintain information about its animals, the enclosures in which they live, and its zookeepers and the services they perform for the animals. In addition, Fester Zoo has a program by which people can be sponsors of animals. Fester Zoo wants to track its sponsors, their dependents, and associated data. Each animal has a unique animal number and each enclosure has a unique enclosure number. An animal can live in only one enclosure. An enclosure can have several animals in it or it can be currently empty. A zookeeper has a unique employee number. Every animal has been cared for by at least one and generally many zookeepers; each zookeeper has cared for at least one and generally many animals. Each time a zookeeper performs a specific, significant service for an animal the service type, date, and time are recorded. A zookeeper may perform a particular service on a particular animal more than once on a given day.

A sponsor, who has a unique sponsor number and a unique National Insurance number, sponsors at least one and possibly several animals. An animal may have several sponsors or none. For each animal that a particular sponsor sponsors, the zoo wants to track the annual sponsorship contribution and renewal date. In addition, Fester Zoo wants to keep track of each sponsor’s dependents. A sponsor may have several dependents or none. A dependent is associated with exactly one sponsor."

Any books or online resources are appreciated.

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