17 Questions 9 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Mussa Omer
I want to do a very simple job: given a string containing pronouns, I want to resolve them. For example, I want to turn the sentence "Mary has a little lamb. She is cute." into "Mary has a little...
05 May 2015 2,175 5 View
There are many tools are used to find out the Name Entity Tagger such as Stanford CoreNLP. What is the most common Name Entity Tagger with a lower error rate for English British language?
27 April 2015 6,223 4 View
I would like a code to run Stanford Named Entity Recognizer (NER). Suppose that I have text and I would like the Stanford NER to recognize the entities which are mentioned in the text.
30 January 2015 3,215 3 View
Microsoft access is a software example for relational databases. I need more examples for relational databases. I need also some more examples for Object oriented databases and XML databases.
22 January 2015 592 5 View
And how do you convert a map from a relational database to an object oriented database?
21 January 2015 9,824 6 View
What are Semantics of Business Vocabulary and Business Rules (SBVR) Models and what are Information System Models? Does UML Business model or Information System model.
19 January 2015 8,333 8 View
I would like to know which is the best Natural Language Software to recognize the part of speech with small parentage of errors. I have used Stanford CoreNLP but It some time came out with errors.
25 November 2014 5,032 12 View
I need to extract all words after the following pattern "/[Ee]ach/ ([tag:NN]|[tag:NNS]) /has|have/ /\\w|[ ]|[,]/" until the end of the sentence but I am getting unexpected output: in the second...
22 July 2014 7,411 2 View
I am trying to use Stanford TokensRegex, however, I am getting an error in line number (11). It says that (). Please do your best to help me. Below is my code: 1 String file="A store has many...
01 July 2014 7,385 1 View
Any electronic resources include books, example, tutorial are appreciated.
27 June 2014 842 7 View
It will be appreciated if I could have examples with code, tutorial or any other useful resource.
27 June 2014 408 1 View
I am trying to use Stanford TokensRegex to design patterns. I am attempting to catch "A manager may manage at most 2 branches" where it has been mentioned once in the text, however I failed to get...
26 June 2014 6,905 0 View
I would like to extract attributes of a table which are mentioned in Plain text. What is a best approach to be followed : Is it supervised, semi-supervised or unsupervised ? I have some sample...
24 June 2014 6,776 4 View
I would like to know difference between supervised, semi-supervised and unsupervised learning in Natural Language processing, when each one could be used with examples. It would be appreciated if...
18 June 2014 9,570 2 View
If I have a sentence S="the quick fox jumps over the lazy dog" How could I get word ID and lemma for each token by using Stanford CoreNLP, for example: the, ID is 1, lemma is=the. quick, ID is 2...
02 June 2014 3,556 0 View
The large photo album has extra charges on delivery. The adjective large may indicate an attribute size of the photo. Red car The adjective red may indicate an attribute colour of the photo. How...
21 May 2014 8,212 7 View
I am doing research on extracting tables' name and attributes from requirement specification text. This work needs two types of skills (programming language and expert person in English language)....
12 April 2014 6,179 3 View