I have got a data of times series(14 continuos variable and 1 categorical variable). I find out to use a Friedman test. but I know that It just has used in Rank and/or Likert data. I am not sure how to include interaction effects between variables. Therefore, I had a clue which could be possible multiply and/or divide for indepent variables so that, it will able to test interaction effects between indepent variables.
For now, I used a friedman.test() and posthoc.friedman.conover.tes() of PMCMR on R-package to test ANOVA test and Post-hoc test. Another hand, I will use AovSum() of FactormineR on R-package or gam() it is Generalized Additive Models of mgcv on R-package.
PD. I tried to use a many R-package however, It doesn´t work with my data.
data.aov=ANOVA(depent variable ~ indepent variable 1*indepent variable 2
*indepent variable 3*indepent variable 4*...indepent variable [n-1], data)