Certificate grants someone entry into world of employment

while Experience makes someone stay and be continually relevant on the job and also aids promotion. The Experience has its advantage but in today's world that is nothing and not relevant if you are not holding any certificate.

The certificate indicates that you've been exposed to very specific information and techniques, and that, at one time, you could apply them successfully to problems similar to those encountered in the real world

While Experience indicates that you've dealt with the difference between theory and practice, that you've seen things fail and learned from it, that you've worked with other people of diverse backgrounds with limited resources to build something real that customers have used, been delighted with, found fault with and have learnt from.

In my own opinion certificate is more important with it you will be able to engage in a standard company while without it you will not be able to apply the experience you have gathered.

Thanks for sharing your view and stand on this.

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