09 September 2014 1 1K Report

I would like to capture specific cDNA/DNA and noticed that there are many protocols using different hyrbid system( different NaCl concentration, different detergent and additives) and different types of probes( DNA, RNA or LNA). I wonder which works best.

I have tried using RNA probes with 4×Denhardt's;4mM EDTA;0.1% SDS;0.05% Tween20;27ul DNA,2.5ug Cot-1,25ug Salmon Sperm DNA,500ng probe, 200pmol block RNA

and hybrid for 66 hours at 65oC, followed by binding to myone C1 dynabeads for 30min at room temperature. However, I get nothing. 

(I followed protocol largely from the paper that's attached below)

Is there anybody providing any suggestions? Thank you in advance!

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