i have performed MD simulation in GROMACS of the apo protein and another one with the same protein but with a ligand and performed PCA analysis as follows:

1- calculate the covariance matrix of the Calpha only of the apo trajectory alone using this command:

gmx covar -mwa -s ref.pdb -f step5_production_noPBC_Calpha.xtc -v eigenvectors_all_noref.trr -o eigenvals_all_noref.xvg

2- performed 2D projection of the first two eigenvectors from the apo trajectory using this command:

gmx anaeig -s ref.pdb -f step5_production_noPBC_Calpha.xtc -2d 2dproj_12.xvg -first 1 -last 2 -v eigenvectors_all_noref.trr -eig eigenvals_all_noref.xvg

3- to see the motion captured in the first 3 eigenvectors of the apo trajectory, I used this command:

gmx anaeig -extr extreme.pdb -first 1 -last 3 -s ref.pdb -f step5_production_noPBC_Calpha.xtc -nframes 30 -v eigenvectors_all_noref.trr -eig eigenvals_all_noref.xvg

the same three commands were done for the complex trajectory with changing the .xtc and using the eigenvectors and eigenvalues produced when i used the gmx covar on the trajectory of the complex (Trial 1).

then i did just the last two commands on the complex trajectory but this time i used the eigenvectors and eigenvalues produced from using gmx covar on the apo protein trajectory (Trial 2)

which way i can use to compare the PCA results of the two trajectories?


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