Formation Evaluation:

1. Whether the concept of Pickett cross-plot (a graphical representation of the solution to Archie water saturation equation) has really provided the required bridging between geology, petro-physics and reservoir engineering, which essentially allow the determination of flow/hydraulic units (defined by process speed) and reservoir containers (established by the correlation of flow units between wells) through constructing lines of constant capillary pressure, process/delivery speed (permeability/porosity), pore-throat aperture and height above FWL in a carbonate reservoir?

Whether a Pickett cross-plot of effective porosity against true resistivity would result in parallel straight lines for intervals with constant process speed in the region @ irreducible water saturation as well as @ regions that are not @ irreducible water saturation?

From these straight lines, whether would it remain feasible to determine capillary pressures and pore-throat apertures directly for each flow unit @ any water saturation in a carbonate reservoir?

Whether the slope of the straight line will be controlled by the magnitude of porosity exponent?

How about the intersection of the line passing through the data point and 100 % porosity?

2. Whether both Bulk Volume Water plot (the percent water in a given rock volume used for the evaluation of water cuts and producibility; permeability; grain-size; pore-type; zones @ irreducible water saturation) and Pickett cross-plot (a means of pattern recognition, where trends and discriminations within the clouds of cross-plotted points could be related to pay zone evaluation and reservoir structure) be used in the analysis of log data through the use of advanced methods of pattern analysis by efficiently making use of ML/AI; and, whether, ML/AI would be able to efficiently make use of Hough transform cross-plot method (replotting the data in parameters space, rather than on X-Y image space; and essentially detecting patterns in binary image data) as well?

3. How efficiently ML/AI could be brought in deducing the following applications (along with the set of problems that must be successfully solved before these applications can be realized), while using formation evaluation techniques?

(a) Estimation of in-place & recoverable hydrocarbon volumes;

(b) Lithology determination;

(c) Identification of geological environments

(d) Derivation of initial vs residual oil saturation relations

(e) Evaluation of water flood feasibility in early wells

(f) Location of OWC/GOC

(g) Reservoir quality mapping

(h) Determination of water salinity

(i) Determination of fluid pressures in reservoirs during drilling of wells

(j) Detection of fractures

(k) Derivation of parameters required for reservoir engineering studies

(l) Prediction of probability of inter-zone fluid communication in casing-formation annulus

(m) Determination of porosity and pore size distribution

(n) Monitoring of fluid movement in reservoirs.

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