Practice shows that problems in business operations of comapnies most often traying to solve dismiss (employees). Wheather the companies, whuch dismiss employees, are more profitable and more successfull from others on log term?
Your Question “ Whether the companies which dismiss (employees) are more profitable and more successfull from others on long term?”.
Termination can be just as devastating for the person doing the terminating. The Wall Street Journal has reported that firing someone is one of three situations that make company presidents most anxious. It's probably safe to assume there's plenty of stress inside the person saying, "You're fired."
Aside from the emotional strain on both owner and employee, there are also legal ramifications involved in the act of termination. Dear you can following article is geared towards outlining ways of dealing with problem employees and making sure the company doesn't suffer in the long run.
article was excerpted from The Small Business Encyclopedia, except for the discrimination section, which was written by Larry Rosenfeld and appeared on as the article "Protecting Yourself When Terminating Employees."
As far as my perception goes, before dismissing an employee the company should look into the contribution given by the employee for company's growth. Suppose if an employee is a mere spectator, without contributing anything, then he might be dismissed which in turn increases the profit of a company. Suppose if an employee has contributed a lot for company growth, then he might not be dismissed for the purpose of cost cutting, which yields a negative branding about the company.