I am looking for sources to download hyperspectral data (AVIRIS, HYPERION EO-1, or others) that covers Hungary and acquired in the last 10 years for soil salinity mapping!
If I am trying to locate data with very limited coverage for a particular region, which may not be published to the larger geoportals, I use Google Scholar to locate other researchers doing work in that region using the particular sensor I need ( https://scholar.google.com/scholar?start=10&q=%22hungary%22+hyperspectral+AVIRIS+HYPERION+EO-1&hl=en&as_sdt=0,48 ).
It takes some sifting, and probably more and better key search terms, but usually I can get a list of papers like maybe "Mapping invasive vegetation using AISA Eagle airborne hyperspectral imagery in the Mid-Ipoly-Valley" https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/6080947 , then I email the authors, ( or sometimes they are in the next building ). Also, don't neglect their bibliographies for leads. Also, contact any government agencies ( like http://www.ftf.bfkh.gov.hu/portal_en/ ) and especially commercial companies that operate in the area ( https://envirosense.hu/ , http://jetstream.hu/aerial_eng.html ). You can also contact the sales people of the manufacturers of the sensors, they usually know what their customers have been up to.
This all converges fairly rapidly, it is a specialty, everyone usually knows everyone else, and their is inevitably someone extremely talkative that know everyone and everything that's been happening, and they have the 'keys to the kingdom'.
In my inquiry emails I place a link to a web map ( Usually using Google MyMaps ) that shows exactly my Area of Interest: https://www.google.com/maps/d/edit?mid=1hvGv3-ckjwR9-u4jPmQ3vr0orMt9iQkI&usp=sharing so any person knows exactly where I am referring to. You also might have to stitch together your AOI. Also provide a link or mention that you have a KML or SHP file avialable, that they can plug into their internal search apparatus of past and current coverage areas.