The universal principle of oneness in philosophy and metaphysics reverberates in quantum theory and in our daily lives as a visceral 'singularity' or framework for holism. The human mind and the compartmentalized skills and disciplines used to define and experience (through cognition) is fractured, disconnected and alien to the emerging patterns nature is expressing through our transformations and paradigm shifts. Science and all other disciplines are not in touch with LIFE is where we are. Building on this will not create the framework for where science needs to go and is going. Divergence is the dynamic we are creating by continuing on the present path. Life is giving science all the natural clues it is not resonating to. Becoming true to life as it is is the code to deciphering what consciousness is and its role in the attainment of 'singularity'. Until we do this, the 19th century confrontation between science and life, that science is responsible being NOW-HERE, as conditioned as we are, is going NOWHERE.

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