I need to compare the pair of different complex network to see to what extend they are similar. Another relevant topic of interest - correlations between the networks. I will be very grateful for any suggestions.
Are the correlations assortative or disassortative (see e.g., here: http://arxiv.org/pdf/cond-mat/0205405.pdf?origin=publication_detail)? Are you concerned mainly with topology (where much of the work on network correlation measures exists)? As for comparison, there is no single measure but rather a list of features with corresponding measures that include (but are not limited to)
- local clusters (communities) and clustering coefficients (is the network governed by "small world" dynamics)?
- layers
- patterns and subpatterns of connectivity
- local "dominant" nodes or links (e.g., "hubs" or other types of local centrality)
- Computational complexity
- Structural complexity (some of the above would be subsumed under this one)
I know it is topic specific, but outside of books, monographs, and volumes this is the one source I could find on short notice that is freely available and addresses measures of network complexity: http://brainimaging.waisman.wisc.edu/~chung/neuro.processing/literature/rubinov.2010.NI.network.pdf
It would be helpful if you could provide a bit more information.
So I did a search through my files to see which papers on network complexity I had were available for free online somewhere. I then took a sample of these that addressed topics on network complexity measures, structures, dynamics, etc. Hopefully some of these are useful:
The first is a ~120 page dissertation "Dynamic-Based Structure Measures of Complex Networks" (just click "I accept" on the following page to access it: http://scholarbank.nus.edu.sg/termsofuse;jsessionid=37B8796F67CF453A96C0EEAA6D7782FA)
The rest are all papers:
Boccaletti, S., Latora, V., Moreno, Y., Chavez, M., & Hwang, D. U. (2006). Complex networks: Structure and dynamics. Physics reports, 424(4), 175-308.
Gallos, L. K., Song, C., & Makse, H. A. (2007). A review of fractality and self-similarity in complex networks. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 386(2), 686-691.
Multi-scale Modularity and Dynamics in Complex Networks
Dorogovtsev, S. N., Goltsev, A. V., & Mendes, J. F. (2008). Critical phenomena in complex networks. Reviews of Modern Physics, 80(4), 1275.
Corominas-Murtra, B., Goñi, J., Solé, R. V., & Rodríguez-Caso, C. (2013). On the origins of hierarchy in complex networks. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 110(33), 13316-13321.
Arenas, A., Diaz-Guilera, A., Kurths, J., Moreno, Y., & Zhou, C. (2008). Synchronization in complex networks. Physics Reports, 469(3), 93-153.
You have complex networks and would like to compare them according to various structural measures? May I suggest you try NetworKit (http://parco.iti.kit.edu/software/networkit.shtml), an open-source project I am involved in. Call the properties.overview function on the graphs, you will get a tabular view of properties like connected components, assortativity, degree distribution etc. This could help you compare their structural properties.
Try to compare degree distributions, weight distributions, graph properties (average degree, smallest distance, average clustering coefficient,community structure,,,), hierarchical node organization revealed in the distribution of the average clustering coefficients of the nodes with certain degree etc.