Friend, can I ask you a question?

Please, can you help me with the search for these pdf files that are scientific publications made in China?

1. Fengxing, Z., Zhizhen, G., Peiheng, C., Jinhua, M., & Yunsheng, C. (1993). A Study on the Phase Diagram of the Quinary System LiCl NaCl — KCl — MgCl_2 — H_2O (25 ℃) at Iso-Lithium Chloride Content [J]. Journal of Salt Lake Research, 3.

2. Fengxing, Z., Zhizhen, G., Peiheng, C., Jinhua, M., & Yunsheng, C. (1987). Studies on the Solubility and the Isothermal Evaporation Process in the Quinary System Li, Na, K, Mg / Cl-H_2O at 25 ℃ [J]. Chemical Research In Chinese Universities, 4.

3. Zongxi, L. J. W. L. Z. (1996). Heat Capacities, Heats of Dilution and Apparent Molal Enthalpies of LiCl-NaCl-KCl-MgCl_2-H_2O Systems at 298. 15K. Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics, 1.

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