However, it has some mismatch: slides 15 and 16 in Lecture 14 do contain this information. Sure, I understand that the higher delta-n, the wider the resonance. Actually, I need not theory but the result (numerical or simple formula).
I am assuming that is a thick grating. You may refer to coupled wave theory (CWT). Eq. ~58-59 in reference: Kogelnik, Herwig. "Coupled wave theory for thick hologram gratings." Bell System Technical Journal 48.9 (1969): 2909-2947.
Thank you for your answer. We are just performing the calculation with Kogelnik expressions using different parameters to obtain the needing spectrum selectivity. However, it seems I have seen a paper with the direct dependence of spectral selectivity width from the grating modulation (numerical or simple formula).
As I mentioned, we made the calculation spectral (and also angular) selectivity using different parameters to obtain the needing value. The result is in our paper: