8 Questions 263 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Raymond Rumpf
A 10λ wide Gaussian beam is incident at 30 degrees from air onto a lossless medium with dielectric constant 9.0. What is the angle of reflection?
08 August 2018 5,304 0 View
Do the bands of a photonic crystal (or semiconductor) ever cross? If not, why not? If so, is there any special physical phenomenon that occurs at the crossing? And...if two bands cross, how do...
02 February 2018 8,579 4 View
I am interested in getting feedback on the attached diagram where I have attempted to create a map of the various types of waveguides. I think it can be confusing to students about waveguides vs....
08 August 2017 5,331 13 View
I am curious about everybody's take on the state-of-the-art on design and classification of metamaterials. Suppose I wish to identify a metamaterial with a specific permittivity and...
05 May 2017 7,887 5 View
I have grown a bit tired of seeing so many of the questions posed to ResearchGate become about how to use software. There are plenty of other forums on the internet for this. I would...
02 February 2017 10,168 2 View
I am working with a team to explore some new concepts for integrated optical waveguides that may significantly improve bend loss and coupling into and out of the waveguides. We are looking most...
12 December 2015 3,021 4 View
I am new to the field of MIMO, but we are working on a new technique to decouple multiple antennas that are in close proximity. As I understand it, ECC=0 means the antennas are completely...
01 January 2015 7,502 5 View
Almost any electromagnetics textbook will have a chapter on waveguides, usually starting with rectangular metal waveguides. The concept of TE and TM modes are presented where certain field...
06 June 2014 6,915 11 View