I need legal basis. I would be grateful for every advice. Below I presented the legal regulation for Polish workers.

In Poland under the Regulation of the Minister of Labor and Social Policy of March 14, 2000 on occupational safety and health of manual handling and other physically demanding work tasks (Journal of Law No. 26, Item 313 as amended; No. 82, Item 930; No. 56, Item 462; No. 0 Item 854), the effective energy expenditure:

• for men for physical work involving lifting and carrying objects throughout the shift must not exceed 8400 kJ, and for irregular work (performed no more than 4 times per hour, if the total time of the work performance does not exceed 4 hours per 24 hours) - 30 kJ/min.

• for women for work involving physical effort including lifting and carrying objects throughout the shift must not exceed 5000 kJ, and for irregular work - 20 kJ/min.

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