01 January 1970 75 600 Report

The Hypergeometrical Universe Theory has been censored since 2006. Notable censors are Paul Ginsparg, who keeps a blacklist at the Los Alamos Archives.

I presented my work in several papers (they need a refresh and contain a notable error - the SDSS data analysis) and in Quora, where I tried to educate people and expose my ideas to criticism.

The theory is called a theory of everything because it is fundamental (the least parameterized) and affects all fields of Physics.

I proposed a new model for Matter where particles are polymers of the Fundamental Dilator and derived Natural Laws from first principles.

The basis for the derivation of Natural Laws is three-fold:

a) The Universe is a Lightspeed Expanding Hyperspherical Hypersurface.

b) Particles are polymers of the Fundamental Dilator (FD). FD is a coherence between stationary states of deformation of space. The involved states are the well-characterized electron and proton. This has four implications:

b.1) It explains the plethora of particles with only two states instead of the field that creates them. This is a simplification when one considers Quantum Field Theory. Masses are given by just 3D deformation volume times an energy density, thus eliminating the need for the Higgs Model.

b.2) The FDs shapeshift and spin in a 4D Spatial Manifold, thus eliminating the need for assigning an "intrinsic degree of freedom" to spin. The shapeshifting defines a global ABSOLUTE FREQUENCY for the waves carrying interaction. In HU, the Quantum Lagrangian Principle states simply that FDs will move in a 4D spatial manifold such that they never do any work (or receive work from the spatial deformation). This is an actual Lagrangian Principle (no work done by constraints). It is called Quantum because it is the reason for Quantum Mechanics in material systems. I explicitly said "material systems" because space itself is a quantum system, and it is governed by the Heisenberg Principle.

b.3) HU contains Absolute Time and a preferential reference frame; hence, HU clashes with Relativity, and that is OK since HU succeeds everywhere GR and SR succeeded and also where GR failed (explaining the evolution of the Universe). The existence of an Absolute Time means that one can define an Absolute Frequency of Interaction and apply a Fourier-like model for interaction among particles. Neutrinos are particles that carry torsions for 3D rotations. They are coherences between states distinct from the electron and proton and thus have a distinct frequency. That is the reason for their ghostly nature.

b.4) HU's Fundamental Dilator is based upon a Stroboscopic Principle - one cannot observe phases of the FD that are perpendicular to our 3D Universe (3D hyperspherical hypersurface).

c) The third basis is the Quantum Lagrangian Principle. It governs dynamics and replaces Newton's Laws of Dynamics while introducing Quantum Mechanics.

HU derived an epoch-dependent Law of Gravitation where G is inversely proportional to the 4D radius of the Universe. Dirac tried to achieve the same using Numerology. An argument based on numerology was not convincing enough. HU derived the laws of Nature. That should be enough.

Epoch-dependent G is necessary to make HU consistent with the Supernova Cosmology Project data. HU's Cosmic Distance Ladder is simple:

d(z) = R_0 * z/(1+z)

For that to make sense, HU introduces a new model for the Photon (it becomes a waving on the top of another wave - the dilaton field).

Epoch-dependent G also solves the problem of "Impossibly Early Galaxy Formation." I will provide a new model for galaxy formation in my next paper.

Of course, HU also provides a new taxonomy for particle physics (replacing the standard model of particle physics) and provides the path to do non-perturbative Quantum Chromodynamics - eliminating the need to sum perturbation terms from Feynman Path Integrals).

The new model for the Universe creation is called The Big Pop Cosmogenesis. It is possible because HU's Universe contains only space, deformed space, and time. That is the simplest possible model.

Copycats and plagiarizers abound. You might have heard about similar ideas. The problem they have is that stealing just part of my ideas doesn't make a theory.

Below is a list of links:

There is a theory that reproduces Einstein's successes and avoids Einstein's failures and that is Quantum Mechanical... It is called The Hypergeometrical Universe Theory (HU).

HU Basics


Recasting Newton's Laws of Dynamics in the Space Stress Strain Paradigm


Here, I created a map for the observable and unobservable Universe and located Earth on it:


Here is how I created the map of the Hyperspherical Universe from the knowledge obtained by the Planck Satellite:

3D galaxy density map of the current universe:


Here is how I challenged Einstein's theory:


Here is my take on the Dark Stuff:


HU achievements


HU explaining JWST observations:


Here, I explained why the Universe has four spatial dimensions by calculating the probability of universes of different dimensionalities.


The Big Pop Cosmogenesis - replacement to the Big Bang


Big Pop Article


In how many ways can Dr. Marco Pereira prove Einstein wrong


The MAIN REASONS Einstein's Theory is wrong: a) Einstein missed an extra spatial dimension, b) The theory should use ABSOLUTE VELOCITY instead of calling everything Relative.

The first way Dr. Marco Pereira proves Einstein wrong.


The second way Dr. Marco Pereira proves Einstein wrong.


The third way Dr. Marco Pereira proves Einstein wrong.


How to get GR success without GR


For HIGH IQ people



Smarandache, F. (2007). Hadron Models and related New Energy issues. "Hadron models and related New Energy issues" by Florentin Smarandache


Smarandache, F., & Christianto, V. (2007). Quantization in Astrophysics, Brownian Motion, and Quantization in Astrophysics, Brownian Motion, and Supersymmetry Supersymmetry. "Quantization in Astrophysics, Brownian Motion, and Supersymmetry" by Florentin Smarandache and Victor Christianto


Pereira, M. (2017). The Hypergeometrical Universe: Cosmogenesis, Cosmology and Standard Model. World Scientific News, 82, 1–96.


Pereira, M. (2018). The Case for a Fourth Spatial Dimension and the Hyperspherical Force. World Scientific News, 98, 127–139.


Pereira, M. (2018). The Hypergeometrical Force: The Coma Cluster without Dark Matter. World Scientific News, 101, 222–228.


Pereira, M. (2019). The Optical Path of Ancient Photons and the Supernova Project. World Scientific News, 130, 195–215.


Pereira, M. (2017). The Hypergeometrical Universe: Cosmogenesis, Cosmology and Standard Model. Global Journal of Science Frontier Research, 17(5).


Pereira, M. A. (2010). The Hypergeometrical Universe: Cosmology and Standard Model. AIP Conference Proceedings, 1316(1).


Marco Pereira. The Big Pop Cosmogenesis - Equation of State, this article.


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