03 September 2019 3 688 Report

I'm modelling insect populations over time (1968 - present) in the UK at over 500 sites. I have detected a decline in sites that are mainly suburban (based on 500m radii using the CEH Land Cover Map 2015). I would like to know which of these sites were already suburban in 1968, and which had been developed at some point over the time series. Ideally, I would like something like a gdb file showing the urban/suburban land cover of 1968 so I could calculate exactly how much development has occurred at each site, but I know this probably does not exist. My best idea so far is to go on old-maps.co.uk and inspect each site manually, looking for the closest map to 1968 and judging on a yes/no basis whether development has occurred since then. Can anyone recommend a better method for measuring urban development since the 1960s?

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