Where can I buy some seeds of Pennisetum americanum, or Pennisetum galucum (Peral millet) in Germany? or who can share some (not too much, about 500 seeds) with me for a small experiment? Thank a lot!
I couldn't identify anything in Germany (maybe a farm seed company) through Google but if you have a crop science research group or research station, they should be connected with seed companies and may be able to identify a source.
A Google search identified the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid-Tropics (ICRISAT) in Patancheru, India as source of germplasm. You could make a request through a Material Transfer Agreement to get a few samples. Work with your university's Industry Liaison Office to get the MTA (https://www.tum.de/en/tum-business/industry-liaison-office/)