01 January 1970 14 6K Report

Since the start of current pandemic, the other respiratory viruses seem to have suddenly disappeared from the globe. It is understandable that coronavirus is currently the predominant circulating virus but what happened to viruses that have been causing small, seasonal outbreaks in humans from times immemorial? Where are the adenoviruses, respiratory syncitial viruses, human influenza and parainfluenza viruses, rhinoviruses etc.?

Are the virologists testing the patients' nasal specimens for viruses other than corona? Or for other microbes? Is it wrong to presume that in several patients, coronavirus may just be a co-infection and the patients are actually dying of other unidentified micro-organisms? There is negligible published evidence on this aspect of COVID-19 pandemic.

Ascribing deaths to COVID-19 alone, keeps the justification for a vaccine alive. Are the medical professionals, particularly the microbiologists and epidemiologists doing just that, knowingly or unknowingly?

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