22 December 2015 8 1K Report

At the following link, on the first page, you will see a categorization of heteroscedasticity into that which naturally should often be expected due to population member size differences, and that which may indicate an omitted variable: 

posted under LungFei Lee - Ohio State:


This is nicely related to the following YouTube video - about five minutes long:

Anonymous (? ):


There are a number of very nice presentations by the following author, which may be found on the internet.  Here I supply two such links:

Walter Sosa-Escudero,

Universidad de San Andrés,

University of Illinois



Though those presentations are excellent, in my experience I think it better to account for heteroscedasticity in the error structure, using a coefficient of heteroscedasticity, than to use the OLS estimate and adjust the variance estimate.  At least in a great deal of work that I did, though the expected slope should be no problem, in practice the OLS and WLS slopes for a single regressor, for linear regression through the origin, can vary substantially for highly skewed establishment survey data.  (I would expect this would also have impact on some nonlinear and multiple regression applications as well.) 

Finally, here is one more good posting that starts with omitted variables, though the file is named after the last topic in the file:   

posted under Christine Zulehner

Goethe University Frankfurt

University of Vienna: 


My question is, why adjust OLS for omitted variables in the analysis, rather than start with WLS, when any heteroscedasticity may be largely from that which is naturally found?  Shouldn't one start with perhaps sigma_i-squared proportionate to x, as a size measure (or in multiple regression, an important regressor, or preliminary predictions of y as the size measure), and see if residual analysis plots show something substantially larger for heteroscedasticity, before seeking an omitted variable, unless subject matter theory argues that something in particular, and relevant, has been ignored?    --   Further, if there is omitted variable bias, might a WLS estimator be less biased than an OLS one???

Thank you in advance for any constructive comments.  -  Jim 

PS -  The video example, however, does seem somewhat contrived, as one might just use per capita funding, rather than total funding.  

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