For young RT candidates VCUG is recommended on guidelines. But for adult candidates if there is urologic history then should be performed before Transplantation. But not routinely. In your clinic do you apply this imaging method routinely or not?
We do not routinely do VCUGs in our patients prior to kidney transplantation. However, male dialysis patients older than 50 years of age and no residual renal function should be screened for bladder outlet obstruction(BOO) (secondary to for example BPH) prior to transplantation since BOO may be unmasked following transplantation. Also, a study concluded that only patients with a prior urological history should undergo VCUG since the chances of finding anatomical issues requiring intervention was highest in this group.
In vast majority of patients VCUG is not nesessary. However, in children if you can not be sure the patient had normal urinalysis prior to deasease oncet, VCUG is obligatory since reflux can accompany any cause of ESRD
The VCUG is performed in men older than 50 years, since in this group there is a greater probability of finding obstructive pathology. The purpose is that there are no surprises at the time of transplant with the placement of the bladder catheter. In any case, all the pathological urological pathology to resolve in this group of patients must be done once the patient has already been transplanted and recover
I agree all aurhors opinion. Especially in our clinic more than two years dialysis candidates and over 50 years old male candidates should be investigated vcug prior tx.