Since I work on the true measuring of an economy I would ask:

What would the change in the measuring show on the scale of the scale?

The scale I use is a physical real scale. It is the total amount of energy put into the production process of all kind of stuff - by humans and by fossil fuel energy. It measures the amount of energy productively used as an equivalent of how much workers deliver work. No matter if this energy is done by cheap fossil oil energy or by human working power. This scale should be used as the numéraire of the size of any given economy.

And the question is: If I would follow Keynes, "spending money" to restart the economic engine - what would my scale of energy used for production show?

I would bet my life: It grows with the same rate as the economy does.

And my argument is: The economy is all about producing goods - all about "doing work" ... and the resulting products we want to have. Money only changes the owner of the stuff created.

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