We have a Pseudomonas sp. isolate which turned brown on PDA and make whole plate brown within 5-7 days with strong anti-fungal activity. But it does not change brown on LBA, TSA or other media.
This could be possible due to two reasons. Either the strain is secreting some kind of secondary metabolites or may be due to differences in the surroundings that may cause oxidation.
Many reasons can lead to formation of such colour in PDA. Production of melanoid pigment and or one derivative dopa. It could be a reason of this.Please review the conditions the organism can produce dopa . This organism could be tyrosinase positive Anyhow try to read a literature on formation of melanin pigment by P. aeruginosa , Dopa formation. Tyrosinae activity by P aeruginosa. Also look to
Lawrence C Parks 1997. Atlas R M Handbook of Microbiology Media 2nd Edition.