03 March 2014 4 671 Report

In my experiments of trying to measure the sense of social well being I used the list of 38 indicators (offered by some ukrainians sociologists). Each indicator tries to measure one type of social good such as sense of state protection, environmental security, fair government etc. The question in the questionnaire asks whether the respondent has each kind of social good at the enough level. So, the respondent has two choices: enough coded as 1 and not enough coded as 2. (and 99, of course, for those who were unable to answer). Then, frequencies were calculated. Later, the arithmetic mean of percentage of those who chose enough was counted as well as the mean of percentage of those who chose "not enough". The last value was regarded as a negative value. Then both means were summed up. So, at the end, if the final value was below zero I assumed the closer the final value to +100 the higher the level of the sense of social well being. And opposite, if the final value is a negative value heading to -100 then I have to conclude the sense of social well being is below average. Would 0 value be really average level of social well being or maybe +50 should be average?

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