38 year old man, Hotelier by profession (desk job) whose BMI is 87. He has no comorbid factors. He has had the same BMI for over 8 years and wants to reduce his weight, in particular in the hanging abdominal apron.
Dear Mr.Reddy, it is a very interesting question, I have been working with obese patients but I have worked with a maximum BMI of 65kg/m2. However, I think we cannot have a definite answer to you question but from my practice I can say that meal replacement diet could be tried until his BMI reaches around 60, followed by a gastric bypass surgery would be a solution to it. there are very good meal replacements available in the market as pre bariatric weight loss options. may be it will help.
Thanks Amena,interesting problem is with a BMI of 87,it will take very long to bring down the BMI.In Indian scenario young people want a quick fix,which is a major problem.Gastric baloon is not tolerated by most and ICMR in India has not yet accepted Intestinal liner yet.