the solar constant amounts to 1,367 kW/m². This power per surface unit must be achieved. The power - which is emitted by your Xenon arc can be approached by the law of Stefan-Boltzmann:
P = sigma*A*T4 with sigma = 5,67*10-8 W/(m²K4)
Here T is the colour-temperatur of a "black emitter" (can you determine by a pyrometer) and A is the emitting surface (not the surface of the solar cell). These parameter can be estimated. If you have the emission characteristic of your lamp you can use the distance law to estimate the power in the distance d (P ~ d-2).
I think, the value of Xuhua gives a good approximation, but I recommend to examine the conditions.
Your problem can be practically be solved. Use a conventional photometer which is used by professional photographers. This photometer must be calibrated in lx (LUX). 1lx = 1W/m². Or you buy such instrument via internet. Then align your XENON lamp by distance that the illumination level besides the solar cell is 1367 lx. So you can exactly calibrate your arrangement.