One of the distinct characteristics of an integrative review is that it includes empirical and theoretical literature. What specific types of theoretical literature is considered appropriate for inclusion?
هو الادب المبني على اسس ونظريات التي توصل اليها العلم الحديث من خلال المناهج النقدية واليات تطبيقها عل الظاهرة الادبية مثل النهجج البنيوي . الاسلوبي . السميياءي. التفكيكي ....اله
It really depends on what you're reviewing and why. Some topics are very large, so you have to limit what you include and state why. Others have very little literature so you need to include everything that might be pertinent even if somewhat tangential to your main purpose. In some cases animal experiments might be relevant; in others not. A theoretical framework for your review is always useful. If there isn't one, you may need to devise one.
الانواع كثيرة لا يمكن احصاءهاىالا باعتماد المناهج الادبية المتعددة سواء ما تعلق بالمناهج السياقية كالمنهج التاريخي او النفسي....الخ او المناهج النسقية كالمنهج البنيوي والاسلوبي والسمياءي....الخ . لا اعرف ما تقصدينه بالضبط
The combination and quality of incorporating numerous methodologies will contribute to lack of rigor, inaccuracy, and bias. Strategies of study, synthesis, and conclusion-drawing stay poorly developed. Problems associated with combining empirical and theoretical reports