There are a lot of people who prefer to perform this type of treatment to their patients. This was produced by the observation that some patients who were planned to have a two stage revision after the insertion of the spacers (either cement or new prosthetics which were inserted "loosely") at the first stage were not coming for the 2nd stage as they were happy with the outcome and there were a great deal of discussions with them to persuade them to come back for the definitive implantation. So it was found that an one stage could be applied. Usually these patients are worked nicely prior to their surgery and all bacteria are known. The debridement is thorough (as in the two stage) and the prosthesis well fixed. Post-op some surgeons place a slab to prevent immediate movement and continue the antibiotic treatment according to the pre-op plan and add more according to the intra-op taken specimens for 6-12 weeks following the CRP graph to monitor the improvement. Candidates could be either patients who may be at risk from series of operations or these of an early stage of the infection and good bone quality.