I hope to conduct a series of interviews/questionnaire surveys to collect information regarding urban flood management and the use of software tools for the same.
Fundamentally, decision-makers, flood modellers, general public and software modellers/developers are in my expected audience.
Could you please suggest what personal information should be considered when weighing them?
My assumptions are as follow;
1. Decision Makers: The age, level of education, years of service, the level in the organization, no of participations/decision makings in actual flood management activities
2. Flood modellers: educational status (MSc/PhD etc), years of experience, no of participations/decision makings in actual flood management activities
3. Software developers: years of experience, no of contributions in actual flood management software development and the role he/she played
4. General Public: The Age, the level of flood-affected to the person, educational level, experience with floods