Thanks for enlightening me about the present trend in finite difference scheme.
My problem is to develop a code which will be stable to work for higher Ri values.
As you can see in my publication section, I have uploaded a technical report in which at high Ri values, the results are not in good agreement with the author's work.
I could under stand that I have given the limitations of using FDS with high Richardson number (ratio of PE to KE) used in convection problem, which is not relavent to your question as you have asked the precaustions. Hence I deleted my answer.
Regarding your problem, there must be some constants of using Re number with Ri number. Witth higher Richardson number, bionant forces are dominant.
The following literature may be useful for your studies
The computation of accurate Richardson number is shown to be adversly affected by a number of factors including the choice of vertical gradients, the terrain, spacing of instruments and heterogenous profile of wind and temparature. Certain precations were taken whle calculating Ri number
Ref: Richardson number in planetary boudary layer by Frank V Hansen