A 11 years old girl , presented with generalized body swelling which started from face and oliguria for the last 10 days and anuria for last 2 days. She had history of hematuria 7 days back. Also there was H/O jaundice 20 days back which was treated with Ayurvedic medicine. She also gave history of sore throat at that time.

There was no history of diarrhoea, skin rash, oral ulcer, joint pain, convulsion, headache, chest pain, abdominal pain, dysuria, urgency, frequency, altered bowel habit, contact with TB patient.

On examination she was ill looking, fretful, puffy, severely pale, oedematous, BSUA- +++. Temp- 98 ° F, Pulse- 90/min, R/R- 20/min, BP- 130/100 mm .

On Genitourinary system exam, ascites present.

Other systemic examination revealed normal findings.

What may be the provisional diagnosis?

CBC:    Hb: 5.4 g/dl,

              WBC(TC): 4,500/cmm

              RBC: 1.5×10¹²/L

              Platelet Count: 70,000/cu.mm

              DC: N: 62%       E: 06%

                     L: 30%        M: 02%

MCV: 110 fl, MCH: 29.2 pg, MCHC: 26.5 gm/dl, RDW : 27.5%


     RBC: Gross anisopoikilocytosis with microcytic hypochromic cells, few polychromatic cells, fragmented cells, target cell, tear drop cell, occasional microspherocytes, nucleated RBC.

    Comment: Hemolytic anemia with thrombocytopenia

               Urine R/E:  Pus Cell: 1-2/HPF

                  RBC: 25-30/HPF

                  Protein: ++++

Urine C/S:  No growth

S. Creatinine: 9.26 mg/dl

Serum Electrolytes: Na  : 127 mmol/L

                             K    :  6.2 mmol/L

                            Cl    :  100 mmol/L

                            TCO2 : 15 mmol/L 

Blood Urea: 218.6 mg/dl

S. Albumin: 27 g/L

S. ALT: 20 U/L

S.LDH: 2100 U/L

S. Ca: 8.3 mg/dl

Coomb’s test: negative

PT: Normal

APTT: ANA: Negative

Anti ds DNA: 10.5 U/ml (Negative)

C3 : 0.396 g/L (Low)

C4: 0.314 g/L (Normal)

ASO titre: 107 IU/ml

HBsAg- negative

Anti HCV -negative

USG of KUB region:

    Rt Kidney: 9.4 cm;     Lt Kidney: 9.8 cm

    Cortical echogenecity is increased.

    Cortico-medullary differentiation is poor.

    UB: normal Normal

Renal biopsy- Mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis

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