11 November 2014 4 9K Report

If we want to judge honestly about conditions of science worldwide we have to say science is not really successful not only in poor countries but also in developing countries. There are several filters may affect on the success of science in developing countries:

In global level there are some limitations which limit knowledge in certain area. It looks some part of the worlds are not suitable for science. Science migration, extinct and development can influence in establishment of scientific life.

Science flow also can affect because it mean some researchers may have not access this knowledge. Internet and social networks may solve accessibility of knowledge but it also created huge amount of information which researchers again cannot select and find proper way for developing science.

Finally local conditions may affect in science. Several factors in society, culture, religion and competition can define science in certain society. It is clear that in some area either talking scientifically is difficult or for developing science you need to pass successfully more barrier.

It would be my pleasure to know which factor is stronger. Are there any studies about scientific barriers worldwide?

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