08 September 2015 5 10K Report

For a long time now, I have been trying to figure out how marijuana enables me to gain some access to vision, even though I am ordinarily totally blind with light perception. This involves translating the subjective experience into language others can understand, and pinpointing the difference between my experience with and without cannabinoids. Recently, I have arrived at the insight that while under the influence of cannabinoids, I am able to maintain momentum of my eye movements. When I move my eyes, they seem to obey the laws of Newtonian physics, in that if I build up the velocity of my eye movements, they will maintain that velocity. when I "push" or "throw" my eyes forward, the effort needed for that push or throw gives me information about my surroundings (i.e. white or reflective objects require very little effort, and my eyes slide across them with very little friction). When I am not under the influence of cannabinoids, I don't feel the kickback or reverberation when I move my eyes, so they feel numb and heavy and impossible to control.  Currently, I am developing an interactive eye training program that gives me auditory feedback about my gaze direction. However, this is just a start, and I am very much thinking that some sort of  wearable device is needed. I am starting to think that the function of this device would be to increase my ability to maintain this sense of momentum, without the influence of marijuana, but what would that look like on a practical level? Any thoughts are welcome.

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