5 Questions 9 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Tasha Raella
I'm trying to understand how increasing the overlap between body part representations in the somatosensory cortex can lead to enhanced spatial relations in the congenitally blind. I suspect...
05 August 2017 9,671 0 View
I am attempting to develop a theory that humans have the capacity to "see with their bodies," essentially turning the surfaces of their bodies into a sort of screen, where they can project both...
27 February 2016 8,740 8 View
For a long time now, I have been trying to figure out how marijuana enables me to gain some access to vision, even though I am ordinarily totally blind with light perception. This involves...
08 September 2015 9,526 5 View
I am blind, but marijuana gives me access to some visual information, as described in my paper. using an eye tracker, I will be conducting some experiments to determine whether the affects on my...
22 June 2015 9,415 12 View
I"m hoping to connect with aphantasia researchers who are interested in individual differences (e.g. the presence or absence of aphantasia in congenitally blind people). I am congenitally totally...
01 January 1970 270 1 View