Hi everyone!
I've been using DFT for optimization of organic molecules, IR and UV predictions, and thermochemistry computations.
At first, I used B3LYP everytime because it was the most routinely used functional for multiple purposes.
When I began studying noncovalent interactions, I was given an advice: "Use functionals including dispersion corrections". I tried CAM-B3LYP and wB97XD with mixed results.
I came across m-GGA approximation to DFT (thanks to a friend), and so far I've tried the M06-L, M06-2X and M11. In thermochemistry, I've found M06-2X to outperform B3LYP and wB97XD everytime.
As drawbacks, I perceive optimizations take considerably longer with M06-2X, and UV-Vis absorption prediction is not necessarily better than PBE or B3LYP.
What is your experience and your suggestions on routine applications of DFT? I guess routine applications may vary a lot!.
Best regards.