A. What is the upper and lower permissible limits of the following parameters in a gas turbine generator closed and open cooling water system samples
1. Total iron (mg/L)
2. Conductivity (µS/cm)
3. Total dissolved solids (mg/L)
4. Nitrite (mg/L)
5. Silica (mg/L)
B. What is the upper and lower permissible limits of the following parameters in a Demineralized (Demin) water samples
1. pH
2. Silica (mg/L)
3. Conductivity (µS/cm)
4. Iron (mg/L)
5. Total dissolved solids (mg/L)
6. Total alkalinity (mg/L)
C. What is the upper and lower permissible limits of the following parameters in a potable water samples
1. pH
2. Silica (mg/L)
3. Conductivity (µS/cm)
4. Iron (mg/L)
5. Total dissolved solids (mg/L)
6. Total alkalinity (mg/L)