06 February 2018 4 733 Report

The nursery is prepared between first and

second week of June. For one bigha

basmati a nursery of 30 -35m2 (mud beds:3

strips of 8m x 1.25m) is needed. For the

System of Rice Intensification (SRI), only

0.75- 1m2 (200-300g seed) of nursery is

required. Best is to make bunds all around

the nursery.

After harvesting the Rabi crop the nursery

area should be solarised by spreading

transparent plastic sheets for 3 to 4 days to

reduce soil-borne diseases and weeds.

In each nursery strip 25-30kg (2-3 baskets)

properly decomposed organic manure and

25g zinc sulphate is best applied.

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