All processes are managed by IT technologies, including environmental monitoring and management of water purification or solid waste processes. In addition, efficient use of energy should not be ruled out. There is an EU directive on measuring energy through IT technologies.
citate - " Annex 2 – “Eligible areas for financing and investment operations” are listed: development, smartening and modernisation of sustainable energy infrastructure (transmission and distribution level, storage technologies, smart grids); and increasing the level of electricity interconnection between Member States; cybersecurity and network protection infrastructures; internet of things; blockchain and other distributed ledger technologies; etc. "
In this era in which it determines the competitiveness of technologies, information technology can play an important role in sustainable development, as can harness the potential of the endless availability of information technology in order to bring about sustainable economic development, social and environmental, which, through the promotion of technology for sustainable development
Information technology can clearly, in theory, enable the rapid transmission and dissemination of data. It might also do the same for information. I don't see that it alone is a reliable transmitter of knowledge and it has little to do with judgement of how that knowledge is used. So if dissemination of information is all that is required for sustainable development, then IT will help by definition. However one should also question exactly what is meant by 'sustainable development'. Do you mean development that can be carried on indefinitely? I think it's more important to have a clear idea of what this means, then to apply technology to achieving it.
All processes are managed by IT technologies, including environmental monitoring and management of water purification or solid waste processes. In addition, efficient use of energy should not be ruled out. There is an EU directive on measuring energy through IT technologies.
citate - " Annex 2 – “Eligible areas for financing and investment operations” are listed: development, smartening and modernisation of sustainable energy infrastructure (transmission and distribution level, storage technologies, smart grids); and increasing the level of electricity interconnection between Member States; cybersecurity and network protection infrastructures; internet of things; blockchain and other distributed ledger technologies; etc. "
Technology development plays a significant role in achieving SDG targets by improving the efficiency and effectiveness of new and more sustainable ways of development. The creation of new technologies that foster research and stimulate innovation is thus required.
In my view, IT democratizes the information and thereby, makes the information available to all which results in quick, equitable and wide access to information. In this age, information is the biggest asset and hence, ICT work towards the economic sustainability. Further, any amount of resources or information can be readily transferred through IT to the community. This reduces many formalities and ensures quick information sharing. In terms of environment, IT helps bringing new innovative ways like GPS, GIS which acts towards environmental development.
Development and deployment of high value-added technology, and the development and implementation of nationally appropriate industrial development policies that achieve sustainable development and preserve the right of future generations to access development opportunities, a clean environment, knowledge-based digital economies, a society in which social justice is achieved, In particular, and social in general.
I still think that the expression "sustainable development" needs defining. I don't see how, in a spatially and resource limited environment, development can be sustained indefinitely, which is what many correspondents seem to assume. I am not hopeful about accessing 'knowledge based digital economies' either, as the vast majority of 'information' on the internet is either misleading or totally wrong; and the situation is getting worse, not better.
It can be useful in the a way that communities can use SMS to communicate with each other to know what crops to grow, accessible of roads, nearest market to sell their produce including what the weather is like. Using IT, communities, governments and policy makers can collect data and have the knowledge as to what crops or seeds grow better in different parts of the world, what crops are reliant on rain or irrigation. Using the IT system, donors can use this information to donate Solar panels rather than money so that communities can be self reliant by producing food to boost the economy, reduce hunger as part of the SDGs plan. It is being used in Kenya and part of Zambia as a project to alert farmers and communities and useful results are beginning to come out.