Biodiversity is a very important issue in the context of the analysis of ecology, sustainable development and the protection of the natural environment, including, above all, the natural sites of biologically deposited ecosystems, ie those characterized by high biodiversity.
Maintaining biodiversity of natural ecosystems is one of the most important problems and tasks for people in the 21st century.
I invite you to discuss this important topic
Biodiversity consists in the cooperation of a few species of plants, animals, fungi, bacteria and possibly other microorganisms. For example, in natural tropical rainforests there is a lot of biodiversity, because in this forest there are many species of plants, animals, fungi and bacteria next to each other.
Biodiversity is the largest unique, unique, difficult to reproduce, unique value of natural, complex biological ecosystems. An example is the tropical forest in the Amazon.
What needs to be done to reduce the devastation of the Amazon rainforests, which are characterized by high biodiversity and are therefore a unique, biological richness of the natural ecosystem on Earth?
The Amazon rainforest is the largest complex of the natural forest ecosystem producing 60% oxygen on Earth, these are the lungs of the planet Earth.
In addition, it is a natural complex of forest ecosystem with rich biodiversity.
In these Amazonian ecosystems there are still many, millions of species of flora and fauna that have not yet been fully discovered or described.
The scale of felling and thinning stands in the Amazon's forest is so large that every day the scale of this unique biodiversity decreases and many species of living organisms cease to exist.
Human civilization in this way destroys one of the greatest achievements in the development of life, the evolution of ecosystems on Earth.
This is a very serious problem to solve in the 21st century.
Do you agree with my opinion on this matter?
In view of the above, I am asking you the following question:
What is the role of biodiversity in the natural environment?
What needs to be done to reduce the devastation of the Amazon rainforests, which are characterized by high biodiversity and are therefore a unique, biological richness of the natural ecosystem on Earth?
Please reply
I invite you to discussion
Best wishes
The role of biodiversity in the natural environment can summarized as follows:
The role of biodiversity in the natural environment can summarized as follows:
By designing grassland and parkland trees, woodland and water parkland features in an intricate pattern, Brown created a varied mosaic of habitats, concentrated in one place, that provide plenty of homes for wildlife, some of them very rare. They include grassland, wood pasture, woodland and wetland habitats but most important are the hundreds of parkland trees he incorporated or new trees he planted which are now 300 to 1000 years old. They are important for their decaying wood and the nooks and crannies that develop in old wood, that lichens, fungi and invertebrates such as beetles need to survive, as well as providing roosts for bats. These trees reach a very great age because they grow in open grazed areas rather than competing for light and nutrients in woodland. Brown’s landscapes offer important refuges for wildlife and stepping stones for species to connect with habitats in the more intensively farmed or developed landscape that surrounds them.
Biodiversity is the amount of variety of life on Earth. It is the number of different species of plants, animals, and microorganisms. It includes organisms from Earth’s vastly different ecosystems, including deserts, rainforests, coral reefs, grasslands, tundra, and polar ice caps. Biodiversity is essentially everywhere, ubiquitous on Earth’s surface and in every drop of its bodies of water.
Our biodiversity is very important to the well-being of our planet.
Biodiversity in general means stability to disturbance, resillience to disturbance. In the planet, so many afforestation practices has afforested by a single species, and their productivity is high. However, their facilitation to any disturbance, for example, diseases, have given us bad lessons. We should followed the natural rule. Natural-based solution for urban forest greening, biological rehabilitation of degraded ecosystem in fact is to make diversified ecosystem just after the orginal natural biodiversity.
Each organism have its own role in ecological cycle, so its important to each environment to conserve biodiversity.
Biodiversity provides harmony of chaos in nature. Man destroys that dynamic balance( selforganisation on chaos edge).Man by his behaviour (greed,benefit,instant pleasure...) increases entropy of environment and pushes the ecosystem into chaos(desintegartion).
Article Inventorying, Mapping and Monitoring of Mangroves towards Su...
Arving Singh gave a magnificent answer, very little can be added.
I will just say that everything in nature is connected, if a piece is removed, a little, unperceptible distabillization is created, until by the continuous removal of pieces, the system fails and falls.
Over the good answers I try to answer as a physicist.
In thermodynamics there is a rule, that energy is distributed on the degrees of freedom. A similar low seems to act by biodiversity: great number of actors of biodiversity helps the "nergy to distribute" on greater number of - harmonized - degrees of freedom.
I think the discussion start being more and more interesting
The new question can be now, how we can summarise all points of view about biodiversity
From Ecology, biology, physics, ...Social, Economy ...
This is a huge question which could only be really answered by writing a book! However, going back to the beginning, can I suggest that you read the book edited by E O Wilson, entitled 'Biodiversity', and published on 14 September 1988. It contains 50 or so short pieces about biodiversity, coming from many different angles, most extremely interesting, and it will leave you with ideas about answering your question.
Dear Michael, good idea to try a book about this huge question, lest start it!!!!!!!
Dear Michael, great idea! a book from every aspects on biodivesity will put forward the understanding of this huge hot topic!
Plants and animals that have evolved together over long periods have developed relationships that work together to further their probability of survival. Many of these relationships are unknown to us. The relationship of fungi in providing higher plants with utilizable minerals is one of these that we have become aware of recently. Also the sharing of nutrients between higher plants using fungi mycelium may mean that plants that we assume to be of minor importance may actually play key roles in the overall productivity of a biome even though they are of little direct use to humans.
Yes, I agree John Joseph Geibel for your comment" Plants and animals that have evolved together over long periods have developed relationships that work together to further their probability of survival. Many of these relationships are unknown to us. The relationship of fungi in providing higher plants with utilizable minerals is one of these that we have become aware of recently. Also the sharing of nutrients between higher plants using fungi mycelium may mean that plants that we assume to be of minor importance may actually play key roles in the overall productivity of a biome even though they are of little direct use to humans" .
Dear all,
I agree with Michael.........there are books that cover the subject but then again, one question: this word (biodiversity.....a strange mixture of greek and latin) means everything and nothing from alpha to gamma, from species to ecosystems and's now used by politicians, medias when they do not know what to say. A good comment by our colleague Szaniszlo!
Try Ricklefs's book "Ecology, the economy of Nature".
If you plan to write a book, let me know.
Best regards to you all
Book reviews above, used copies below
This is actually a broad concept to reply here. However, the role of biodiversity for environment meant in developing country perspective is the source of every thing. This is to mean that economy of developing country is highly dependent on nature where biodivetsity provides for the life in earth including basic necessities such as food, shelter and cloth. Especially developing countries are almost fully dependent on rainfed agriculture to feed its inhabitants. The water thwy drink and for any other comes directly from forest bioversity while also these forest biodiversity is also almost sole source of energy, for eg in Ethiopia, whethr its biomass energy or hydroelectric energy for some of the industrial activities and other circular economy. I think in many cases the same is true for developed counyries too. This is because in whatsoever technology may be developed, the air we breath, the water we drink and the food we eat are directly and highly dependent on biodiversity we have around any corner of the globe.
In my opinion, increasing biodiversity in the evolution of the biosphere is aimed at increasing the share of solar energy involved in the process of creating life by maximizing the filling of ecological niches. The problem of species diversity is closely related to the sustainability of ecosystems. There are still no clear answers about the connection between them. It is believed that the greater the species diversity the higher the stability. But there is evidence that the most vulnerable, respectively, the least resistant to external influences tropical ecosystems, characterized by the highest species diversity. It seems to me that the relationship between stability and species diversity is non-monotonic, polymodal. However, this is only my conclusion, which can be tested experimentally. As for the second question, the answer seems simple to me - leave them alone. In other words, not to adapt nature to itself, but to adapt to nature.
Biodiversity, natural ecosystems etc. should be protected. Environmental protection techniques should be developed and improved. Therefore, the important question to be answered is the following:
How can you speed up the processes of changing the classic economy in green economy?
How can you speed up the processes of changing the classical economy in green economy shaped according to the principles of sustainable pro-ecological economic development?
From time to time, conferences and climates summit are held in various countries around the world. In principle, everyone agrees on the importance of implementing the necessary pro-ecological reforms in economic processes. In addition to representatives of mining companies of energy resources for the traditional energy of burning mineral and traditional power plants, everyone agrees that in order to slow down the global warming processes that are unfavorable for the natural environment, it is necessary to implement pro-ecological reforms as soon as possible. above all, to develop renewable energy sources on a larger scale. In addition, pro-ecological innovations on an industrial scale should be implemented as soon as possible.
Recently, this type of climatic summit took place in Katowice in Poland. It was the UN climate summit, the so-called COP (Conference of the Parties) on climate policy on Earth. UN climate summits, i.e. COP (Conference of the Parties) are global conferences during which climate policy is negotiated. Poland twice hosted them - in 2008 in Poznań and in 2013 in Warsaw. In December 2018, the climate summit is held for the first time now in Katowice in Poland. During this summit, conferences were held, discussions on the need to develop a sustainable development policy and the need for ecological development, renewable energy sources to generate a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions in the future, and ultimately to limit the average annual temperature on the Earth's surface.
From the discussions it follows that it is necessary to develop ecological innovations, new pro-ecological energy sources, and to develop the electromobility of transport means. It is necessary to develop and implement on a large scale renewable energy sources. In addition, it is important to increase the scale of afforestation, as forests and the flora contained in them absorb a large proportion of greenhouse gas emissions.
As part of the UN climate summit of December 2018, the following were held: the 24th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP24), 14th Meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol (CMP 14) and the Conference of the Paris Agreement signatories (CMA 1). About 20,000 people from 190 countries took part in the event, including politicians, representatives of non-governmental organizations, and scientific and business spheres.
The lecture delivered during the climatic summit shows that in recent years the warming of the Earth's climate has accelerated significantly and therefore, in the black scenario of future climate changes, the temperature on the Earth's surface can rise by 4 ° C to the end of the 21st century. If this happened, then the scale of climate-related cataclysms that are dangerous to human beings will increase many times, including droughts, floods, fires and weather anomalies in many places around the world. The problem is very serious globally and therefore a lot depends on whether international cooperation will develop in order to limit these problems and their negative effects.
In view of the above, it is necessary to change the development strategy based on intensifying the exploitation of the Earth's resources on the sustainable development strategy. It is necessary to develop new energy technologies based on renewable energy sources to slow down the progressing greenhouse effect of the Earth in order to reduce the risk of dramatic natural cataclysms. It is necessary to develop ecological innovations, while it may not be too late. It is necessary to save the Earth from destruction for future generations.
The 21st century is the last moment to introduce global sustainable development based on the development of renewable energy and ecological innovations. Sustainable development should be analyzed and measured in correlation with the analysis of economic growth and the share of individual sectors in the country's economic development, including the transformation of traditional energy sources into renewable energy, environmental reclamation and recovery of recyclable materials, and ecological innovations.
Unfortunately, perhaps the only major positive effect of these conferences and climate summits is the promotion of the need to apply these pro-ecological reforms in the media. However, the scale of real actions in this direction, the scale of expenditure growth supported by subsidies from state budgets for the development of energy based on renewable energy sources, the development of electromobility, improvement of sorting and recycling processes is still small in relation to the needs.
Do you agree with my opinion on this matter?
In view of the above, I am asking you the following question:
How can you speed up the processes of changing the classical economy in green economy shaped according to the principles of sustainable pro-ecological economic development?
Please reply
I invite you to the discussion
Thank you very much for your response and participation in the discussion
Best wishes
I'm afraid that we will loose most of species even before being indexed.
I think you might make a distinction between the role of biodiversity for the nature (for example the evolution of the ecosystems, independently of the interest of the ecosystem for the human beings) and the role of biodiversity for the environment (of the human beings).
Just one example : in the first case, the biodiversity has led to the survival of the most resistant species. In the second case, these species can now contribute to solutions to many man-made problems, or on the contrary become threats (invasive species, possibly pathological, due to global change and international transport).
Great discussion. In my job I have to deal with many interpretations of what biodiversity is and often see the term misapplied in my opinion so here goes...
Biodiversity is a generalized term often used out of context, referring simply to the variety of biological life within a system. Under natural conditions certain ecosystems have a large variety of spp and others naturally have small variety as a result of available habitat niches and the conditions thereof. In my opinion the term is often misused (e.g. high biodiversity=good or low biodiversity=bad). For example, in terms of a disturbed forest ecosystem progressing through successional pathways (seral stages) biodiversity in an early seral stage will be different than that of a later seral stage with the later stage possibly having much more variety than the early stage but in context the natural biodiversity (variety of species) associated with each is important in shaping the range of environmental conditions (niches) for species.
In terms of forest ecosystems, natural ranges of variability of species assemblages (species richness and composition) across varying ecosystem gradients and successional stages constitutes natural biodiversity. From a systems standpoint I see the role of these biological assemblages as one of self-maintenance to a certain degree. Although ecosystems are complex and never really reach a “steady-state” the plants and animals associated with late succession influence the condition of their environment and its ability to remain somewhat visibly constant until the next stand initiating or gap disturbance comes along. To me species composition and richness associated with this whole disturbance and successional dynamic is gross natural biodiversity and within resource extraction practices and climate change we are losing pieces from out of this dynamic system and as far as I can tell we are unsure of how this will affect either the natural environment or the unnatural environment that we are creating.
Biodiversity contributes stability and sustainability to the natural environment.
If we refer to Szanizlo's suggestions, Syed's reply we could mention that "biodiversity"(whatever we put behind it) at the different scales contributes to primary, secondary productivities, interactions, but also services....are we still discussing about diversity or is it not complexity??
Thank you all for theses comments: it is a very refreshing discussion!
This is a crucial problem. You have to know that biodiversity is life itself. The more protected it is, the greater are the life expectancies of humanity. The problem is that the human being does not want to change his attitude and behavior. So, as it is written in the Qur'an: Almighty God does not change what people do, until they change what is in themselves. Reminding that biodiversity is threatened mainly by human actions (cuts, pollution (water, air and soil), fires, grazing, introduction of exotic species, mismanagement, nuclear ...) and ecological factors (drought, floods, ...) .
In the context of the above considerations, the following question is also current:
How to increase the effectiveness of environmental protection programs, natural ecosystems and biodiversity?
Protection of the environment, natural ecosystems and biodiversity should be an integral part of the concept of sustainable pro-ecological economic development?
In the context of growing and increasing environmental pollution and declining areas of natural ecosystems, the importance and need to improve environmental protection systems, natural ecosystems and biodiversity is increasing. Biodiversity is one of the most important issues of natural ecosystems and life on Earth. Maintaining high biodiversity on Earth should be a challenge and one of the main goals of human functioning on the Earth in the 21st century and in subsequent centuries.
In connection with the above, protection of the environment, natural ecosystems and biodiversity should be an integral part of the concept of sustainable ecological development. In some countries, the concept of sustainable pro-ecological economic development is implemented successively, primarily in the field of renewable energy sources, improvement of waste segregation techniques and recycling development. However, in many countries these issues are still insufficiently developed.
Still too small financial resources are allocated in many countries for the development of renewable energy sources, improvement of waste segregation and recycling techniques. In addition to the private sector, besides enterprises implementing ecological innovations, it is necessary to increase expenditures and develop strategic pro-ecological reform projects, including restructuring of the mining industry of minerals supplying classic energy sources and development of energy based on renewable energy sources. This development should be supported and coordinated by environmentally friendly state intervention, and due to the high investment costs of construction of power plants producing electricity from renewable energy sources should be co-financed from the state public finance funds.
In this way, it will be possible to slow down the ongoing global warming process in the 21st century and thus slow down the process of devastating the natural environment, draining green areas characterized by high biodiversity. Biodiversity is a very important issue in the context of the analysis of ecology, sustainable development and the protection of the natural environment, including, in particular, the natural positions of biologically complex ecosystems, i.e. those that are characterized by high biodiversity. Maintaining biodiversity of natural ecosystems is one of the most important problems and tasks for people in the 21st century.
Do you agree with my opinion on this matter?
In the context of the above considerations, the following question is still valid:
How to increase the effectiveness of environmental protection programs, natural ecosystems and biodiversity?
Please reply
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Best wishes
Top-down national implementation of large conservation programe is useful method. Such as the afforestation programe in China, has implemented from the central goverment for over 40 years. The Natural Forest Protection Programe, prohibit any harvest for the natural forests over 2 billion Mu(667m2). These have largely improve the biodiversity conservation, common people has such kind of experience. Bird become more and more, and some wild animal could be often found in natural environment.
Stability, sustainability and diversity to nature environment is provideded by Biodiversity
stability, sustainability and diversity role in ecological environment. .
Our pollution, chemicals and lifestyles kill biodiversity. Without it we cannot survive because biodiversity "IS" the balance of nature throughout the planet.
The role of biodiversity: Biodiversity is assessed by considering the diversity of ecosystems, species and genes in space and time, as well as the interactions within and between these levels of organization (Wikipedia), then articulating what there is above.
Ecosystem diversity: the interaction of the environment with living things gives a type of ecosystem that has several functions so far stop at: 1) production function (food, energy, genetic resources, medical resources, ornamental resources and economic activities ( agriculture, forestry, fisheries) 2) regulatory function (climate, soil and biogechimo cycles); 3) protection function (fauna and flora); 4) cultural function (spiritual, entertainment, education, culture, crafts ...). We have ∞ ecosystems, then ∞ functions.
Diversity of species: beginning to recognize that the species that existed, exist and that would exist in the future are ∞ ∞, and here we will discuss the role of just one species: role of bees in pollination and the production of the miracle food "honey".
Genetic diversity: the genes are number ∞ ∞ ..., it becomes more and more complex and genetically 1 + 1 = 2, so at this level you have to be very careful knowing that genetic diversity is a kind of " guarantee "for the survival of a population
How to increase the effectiveness of programs to protect the environment, natural ecosystems and biodiversity? The human being has more or less arrived discussed that one should respect and accept the differences of thoughts and ideas. It is a step to be able to accept, before it is too late, the center of ecological engineering by a fight against these own actions and inventions. Primo: Beginning to restore and rehabilitate natural ecosystems simply by "planting native species in the environment considered". Maybe it should be enough !!!
I agree with you Amal, to the extent that it is a kind of guarantee for the survival of all populations, it's what makes biodiversity. I also agree that planting more trees is good, but I doubt enough. The reason is the math. Begin with about 100 years before the industrial revolution when settlers began cutting down trees to clear land and build homes and burn wood. You need to be able to exceed the destruction faster than it took to destroy the environment. That would mean worldwide participation and you know as well as I that the governments would need to make it mandatory for any significant changes to be made. I have this vision of a river in India that is so contaminated that I do not see the reasoning for the cesspools people are allowed to create. I ask myself these questions as I constantly seek ways to end the burden of the planet cause by our presence.
I agree with you Amal " The human being has more or less arrived discussed that one should respect and accept the differences of thoughts and ideas. It is a step to be able to accept, before it is too late, the center of ecological engineering by a fight against these own actions and inventions".
Article Le rôle de la biodiversité dans le fonctionnement des écosystèmes
Biodiversity is the planet life insurance. Indeed, biodiversity plays a key role for the natural development of all ecosystems. Thus, high biodiversity would increase the stability and adaptability of biosphere to environmental conditions change.
In addition, biodiversity ensures human survival and well-being thanks to its economic, social, cultural and aesthetic role.
The innumerable direct and indirect services provided by ecosystems, species and their genes and molecules to the health and well-being of humankind constitute the utilitarian value of biodiversity. Thus, all the societies and cultures of our planet depend on the use of a diversified nature system.
This planet will devastate with out the presence of biodiversity in various regions
Taking the road less traveled-I would add what I hope is a valid observation. I see biodiversity not as a role but as an evolutionary exploitation of niches that accommodate the opportunistic organisms that eventually find them.
Environment and biodiversity are the two basic components of ecosystem.
Check if this is useful to you!
The natural world is not always diverse. Years ago I read a paper by a scientist who that had studied peat bogs. His theory was that in the temperate regions, peat bogs were the climax stage. Peat bogs are not what anyone would call diverse. They collect water like sponges and drown out other vegetation. If it were not for dry periods with fires that burn peat bogs and start ecological successional stages again, temperate regions would be mostly peat bogs. Seems some contributors treat diversity as a religion.
John is correct.....some comments are out of science and research!
The objective of biological diversity is to establish the state of relations between living beings in a given territory, determine the degree of balance of these relationships and their causes. This in order to determine the changes of the biota in each place and the causes of those changes
Therefore, in the context of the above considerations, the following important question appears:
Biodiversity is diverse in virtually unlimited degree, which results from the essence of processes of evolution of species, filet lines and entire ecosystems. It is thanks to the millions of years of evolutionary processes on Earth that there are so many different natural and highly diverse ecosystems in which different species of flora, fauna, fungi and microorganisms adapt to life in different and very diverse geographical and climatic environments.
The largest biodiversity of ecosystems and species functions in natural environmental environments in which ecosystems have evolved without human impact through millions of years of climatic and geographical conditions enabling the development of various life forms. These types of high biodiversity sites can be found in unpolluted rainforest ecosystems in tropical forests, in temperate climates and in coral reefs.
Unfortunately, human civilization activity contributes to the successive and accelerating process of biodiversity reduction by dying out species of living organisms. The areas of natural natural ecosystems are decreasing, including those in which the greatest biodiversity is diagnosed, such as the rainforests of the Amazon. The protection of naturalistic ecosystems and thus the protection of the planet's biodiversity is the most important challenge for mankind in the 21st century.
Do you agree with my opinion on this matter?
In view of the above, I am asking you the following question:
What do you think is the importance of biodiversity in natural ecosystems?
Please reply
I invite you to the discussion
Thank you very much
Best wishes
Following links might be helpful for you:
Article Plant biodiversity and regulation of photosynthesis in the n...
Chapter Bacterial Biodiversity in Natural Environments
Article A framework of values: Reasons for conserving biodiversity a...
Chapter The role and significance of the natural environment
Article Nature & Environment
Biodiversity in the ecosystem gives it the strength and stability. It promotes human and life the the power adaptation and acclimation which results in a continuous progress on all sectors of the life.
In the context of the progressive warming of the Earth's climate, the following question is of particular importance:
What do you think is the importance of biodiversity in natural ecosystems?
Biodiversity is diverse in virtually unlimited degree, which results from the essence of processes of evolution of species, filet lines and entire ecosystems. It is thanks to the millions of years of evolutionary processes on Earth that there are so many different natural and highly diverse ecosystems in which different species of flora, fauna, fungi and microorganisms adapt to life in different and very diverse geographical and climatic environments.
The largest biodiversity of ecosystems and species functions in natural environmental environments in which ecosystems have evolved without human impact through millions of years of climatic and geographical conditions enabling the development of various life forms. These types of high biodiversity sites can be found in unpolluted rainforest ecosystems in tropical forests, in temperate climates and in coral reefs.
Unfortunately, human civilization activity contributes to the successive and accelerating process of biodiversity reduction by dying out species of living organisms. The areas of natural natural ecosystems are decreasing, including those in which the greatest biodiversity is diagnosed, such as the rainforests of the Amazon. The protection of naturalistic ecosystems and thus the protection of the planet's biodiversity is the most important challenge for mankind in the 21st century.
Do you agree with my opinion on this matter?
In view of the above, I am asking you the following question:
What do you think is the importance of biodiversity in natural ecosystems?
Please reply
I invite you to the discussion
Thank you very much
Best wishes
In addition to the benefits already mentioned, I would add that biodiversity makes ecosystems more resilient to exogenous impacts from disturbances such as land use change, natural disasters, climate change and shifts in human activities. Biodiversity increases human well-being both directly as well as indirectly through its connection with ecosystem services:
Biodiversity is a very important issue in the context of the analysis of ecology, sustainable development and environmental protection. Tree-cut areas should be controlled to observe the effects of this phenomenon to prove that some restrictions are needed. Economic development is important, but not at any price. The most important is human cooperation with the environment and constant assessment, valuation of ecosystem services. Research should be developed, awareness of the role and value of eco-system services should be made.
We have to conserve biodiversity to favor the ecosystem which directly influence the future of living organisms
Dear all,
We could go on and on and on again with this concept without knowing what we are all talking about. After reading all the answers, I am still convinced that it means nothing and everything: an empty shell.
Some Chauvinist and pessimist researchers gave irrelevant comment.Please...
Agree; Biodiversity is a characteristic of natural ecosystems play a role to support the cycles of matter and flow of energy running ideal. In the context of the ecosystem as a space of life be optimally support the viability of organism in it. In exploitative utilization activities encourage ecosystem very serious damages to occur everywhere. What is the development in the sense that the public should give rise to damage biodiversity? Moreover, for whom real construction is done. I looked at in the context of this approach to development and science cannot be separated with aspects of ethics against the ecosystem/environmental
Bidiversity is interlinked within itseself and to the abiotic components of the ecosystem. It plays major role in the ecosystem dynamics and homeostsis of the system.
biodiversity is important because mono culture is dangerous. There have been lots a medicines developed through through properties of plants, fungi corals, and other plants sponges algae, fugues, etc. If these disappear (many of them have not yet even been discovered. With the decline of biodiversity it could happen that plants and other organisms won#t be able to displax their medicinal properties, because thy get extinct before research in such properties can be made, that human efforts must give up the possibilities to find bio-active substances that can be used in the fight against diseases,
"Biodiversity is important because mono culture is dangerous"
I am comfortable with the above sentence.
Thank you
Biodiversity is of great importance in life, as follows: [2] Biological diversity plays an important role in the development of agriculture, medicine and industry. Biodiversity contributes to the well-being of communities, especially in rural areas, where livestock accounts for 90% of human needs for wood, human food and plant fertilizer. Biodiversity helps preserve the species of living organisms. Increases the desire of scientists and their attempts to experiment with the detection of the world of living organisms, especially in the field of genetic engineering. The impact of biodiversity is on the development of ecotourism. The rich nature of living organisms is a source of real economic value, for example the presence of coral reefs on the shores and coasts of Western Asia and the Caribbean. Is an economic source of many of the natural resources on which countries depend on access to food and medicine. Enhances the economy of countries by providing plant, animal and fishery resources. It can be used as an outlet for innovative economic types.
I do not know if I am amongst the chauvinist and pessimistic researchers (we are out of Research Gate with this sort of comment and other comments related to religious aspects!) but I suggest you read chapters 22 and 23 of Rick Relyea and Robert Ricklefs" Ecology, the Economy of Nature". There are very precise terms when refering to diversity: at the species level, it is richness and alpha diversity, at the landscape level, it is the heterogeneity of habitats and landscape mosaics which are important and they form thge gamma diversity. When refering to ecosystem functions, values and services, we are not any more studying Biodiversity but complexity (which includes trophic levels, trophic cascades, ecological processes....). I hope this will clarify what needs to be considered when discussing about biodiversity.
Bestr regards to everybody........
Dear Ali Ahmed Alhalani,
I also agree with you. I recommend this opinion. Someone should calculate the economic value of the services listed here and believe less in the slates and GDP results as the only measure of economic development (especially in the era when companies have their headquarters in various places around the world, etc.)
Dear Guy Lemperiere,
It's very interesting research. I am curious about the results.
Best regards to everybody ...
I have just published a rather unusual paper which deals with the ecological aspects of the biodiversity problem (see Guy Lemperiere's clarification), and why it affects the fate of humanity. DOI: 10.2478/eje-2018-0017
"Deevey's Hare and Haruspex revisited: Why domestication dooms civilisation?"
Best wishes to all
Thank you John for the message. I have not mentioned yet two aspects of the processes that guide the different levels of diversity: the stochasticity and the impermanence in time and space..!
Best regards
I recommend the activities and publications of the
Sandzimr Foundation founded by the Austrian Jan Sendzimir in Poland related to the appreciation and valuation of eco-services and concrete actions
for sustainable development, which is a priority in development policies. I recommend these good practices.
es la base de la co-evolución entre los microorganismos, las plantas y los animales
In the context of the above considerations, the following question is also current:
How should nature conservation and biodiversity be developed?
In your opinion, how should nature conservation, biological ecosystems, individual species of flora and fauna and biodiversity be developed?
Please reply
I invite you to the discussion
Thank you very much
Best wishes