On one hand one can understand time dilation related to gravitational potential difference by considering the uniform acceleration as an infinitesimal change of velocity thus as an infinitesimal jump from one inertial frame to the other and the related change of the set of synchronous clocks as a consequence of the second term proportional to x in the lorentz transformation for t' and then applying the equivalence principle. On the other hand however, in an accelerated reference frame red shift appears to be the the consequence of Doppler effect. The frequency shift occurs on the way to the detector because of relative velocity increase of the detector while the signal is on it's way. Thus if one applies the equivalence principle one obtains the red shift whithout any reference to special relativity. But if both effects exist namely if the clock at lower altitude is actually delayed and the frequency of the beam is shifted on the way because of Doppler equivalent effect just because equivalence principle, these effects would add up to each other.

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