20 Questions 82 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Samuel Reich
This file gives the reasons I believe it does and some constants that change. What have you found along this line and what did it impact...
16 April 2023 1,155 1 View
Very low frequency electromagnetic and gravitational waves have quantums of low energy and momentum. Therefore, they have large uncertainties in position and time hence they should move by...
24 February 2023 7,826 13 View
For a wave function to be valid where it gives a particle a non-zero probability of existence must be separated in time and distance so that it can only go between those points at speed les than...
24 February 2023 1,116 17 View
There was observations of high energy particles before Einstein. Did anything like m=mo 1/[(1-(v/c)^2]^0.5 exist?
04 December 2022 9,857 3 View
An important question; by what process does this missing Doppler shift disappear? All rest mass and rest energy increases with velocity whither you use Newton's of Einstein's equation for kinetic...
26 December 2020 9,967 0 View
Time varying fields after a few wave lengths are propagated by particles or wave packets. The photons of Einstein's photo electric work and their gravitational counter part gravitons. A static...
25 February 2020 7,193 2 View
I have read about various variations of magnetic bottle fusion reactors for 50 years. No one seems to be able to predict the behavior of the plasmas well enough to get them to work. Since there...
18 April 2019 3,889 3 View
If you reflect light from a source with some closing velocity to Earth: you get one axial Doppler shift. If all the mirrors you reflect it off after the first are moving with the Earth there still...
02 April 2019 4,590 1 View
I am out of this discussion. Except that fluids with high positive viscosity are made up of particles (quantum or a little above) with high attractive forces between them (water or malaises)....
01 January 1970 9,130 16 View
Since frequncy is 1/time time is changed writers on relativity confine this to the Transverse shift. That makes little sense the first attached paper shows for both the axial and transverse...
01 January 1970 5,644 4 View
If particles cannot move faster than light then points of a wave function must be discontinuous in time and distance. Because, all near points where a particle has a non-zero probability of...
01 January 1970 2,272 7 View
Electric charge by current thinking has rest mass. Mass of all thing with rest mass increase by the formula: m=mo/[1-(v/c)2]1/2. Indicating the charge should also and so should charges of all...
01 January 1970 5,369 2 View
The axial Doppler shift was erroneously canceled in the Lorentz transformation (copied with modification by Einstein). But even it was not in the MM experiment it exists in rest of the universe....
01 January 1970 3,220 0 View
The proofs that 4 constants are changed by relativistic velocities as a PDF file will pop up when the following link is Left...
01 January 1970 4,461 0 View
One expert said the magnetic moment of an electron is due to rotating charge. Since charge has energy is has mass (e=m c c). The means there is centrifugal field between that charge and any mass...
01 January 1970 7,809 24 View
Obviously the uncertainty of energy and momentum will go up and the uncertainty of distance and time will go down with velocity that is not relativity. However 3 of the most important constants...
01 January 1970 1,258 1 View
The linked file below is a paper that discusses just that in details. https://drive.google.com/open?id=1LIgqxMuRV5xe7MQQlC3SWg5BXlkYvY1h
01 January 1970 9,229 0 View
An electron beam going at relativistic velocities or lower will transfer energy to any standing wave passes through. What other charges (non-electric) have been observed to that, like...
01 January 1970 6,320 1 View
Can valid quantum equations of gravity waves be gotten by just multiplying the constants for photons by experimentally gotten factors? Given that gravity waves have only recently been detected and...
01 January 1970 2,218 13 View
Doppler shift in this discussion will be defined as, the difference (distortion) between the the observed quality and original quality due to closing velocity between the two. All writers on...
01 January 1970 7,858 0 View