i got the results through BET analysis that with small carbon chain length surface area increases.whats the reason?.but in some literature not mention exact relation..
It is theoretically established that the pore diameter of mesoporous materials
(MCM-41) of hexagonal or cubic geometry should be equal to twice the length of the surfactant molecules, which was confirmed experimentally by you. The shorter the surfactant is, the smaller the pore size and the larger the specific surface.
It is necessary to use not the size of the surface, but the value of the specific surface. Calculate the value of the specific surface and draw a conclusion.
Mostly, CTAB is used and the surface area is around 800-1000 cm3/g.
And, Yuri is right here. if you need smaller pore window, go for shorter carbon chain surfactants, and if you need larger pore window, choose larger carbon chains.