This question is mainly targeted to Sri Lankan Engineers, Meteorologists, Agronomists and Lawyers. Even the foreign researchers and consultants who familiar with the system (‘Udawalawa’ & ‘Samanalawewa’) and the recent problem regarding water issues may be able to answer. Even after a long struggle, Udawalawa farmers had to suffer from the failure of their rice crop, at the flowering stage, due to shortage of water. What is the real cause (or causes) behind that?
1. Was there an unforeseen drought? How severe is it? Is it proved by the monthly rainfalls of the Udawalawa catchment?
2. Did other major reservoir schemes in the same climatic zone report crop failures?
3. Was it due to the failure of management? If so, what are the Institutes responsible?
4. What is the leagle background? Do they (Udawalawa farmers) have leagle rights (Riparian or Prior Appropriation etc.) to receive water from Samanala tank in case of a shortage?
5. What will happen if similar situation will be arisen in future?