The purpose is make the student has autonomy to respond to life's challenges, fomando happy and capable people? The emotional aspect, family, social and professional should be integrated for this purpose?
I absolutely think social-emotional education is paramount to good schools. After all, social-emotional skills, more than IQ, will determine a child's personal and professional success.
In order for children to develop social emotional competence, they must have frequent opportunities to engage with caring and stable adult figures - figures who believe in their ability to reach their potential. Since a child's home environment is hard to control, schools have a great deal of responsibility to fulfill this role.
Therefore, in order to create excellent schools, we must fill the schools with professionals who understand what social-emotional learning looks like, and who have the emotional strength and self-regulation skills to model social-emotional competence. This starts with better teacher professional development and the implementation of evidence-based practices to promote social-emotional learning.