How can I make fixation, whole mounts, and paraffin embedding for histological cut in polyclads? I want to know what are the details for this processes and how to do it
The a very important point is fixation.You may use fixative Zenker's or Carnoy's or Boiuin's (less good).Alcohol processing is very long: each stage takes 6 hours(60%-70%-80% -90%-absolute-3 times absolute +csilol- csilol/And paraffin 3 times.
For fixate your specimens you can use Boiuin's, for me works really well but before start with the washes you have to clean your specimens with PBS. I like to use fast washes with alcohol (70%, 80%, 85%, 90%, 95% and 2 times with 100% EtOH for 15 minutes each one) and methyl salicylate (2 times per 15 mins each one) before use paraffin or glutaraldehyde, I prefer paraffin, because is more user friendly.