01 January 1970 8 2K Report

I want to start a philosophical discussion and ethical debate on the reasoning behind why humanity should and must become a multi-planet species.

  • What do you think is the most profound and captivating reason(s) that you have to justify SpaceX and Elon Musk's goal of making humanity a multi-planetary species?

Elon said during the 68th Annual ISC on September 29th 2017:

"I think fundamentally the future is vastly more exciting and interesting if we're a spacefaring civilization and a multi-planet species than if we are not. You want to be inspired by things. You want to wake up in the morning and think the future is going to be great."


I agree with him here, but I think there is something more profound and captivating that must be addressed with regards to becoming a species that lives on more than just one planetary body. Other questions we may want to consider to help us reach this answer include:

  • What are the ethical considerations we must address before colonizing other worlds?
  • Do humans really deserve another planet to potentially ruin, or even sustainably terraform, if we cannot even figure out how to sustainably balance our own home world?
  • One might ask why doesn't Elon use his genius to create new technologies that will advance the human race by solving some of the Earth's worst problems?
  • Has he simply given up on this planet and does he therefore want a clean slate to build up from?
  • Does Elon think that technological advancements resulting from the drive to become a spacefaring civilization (i.e. propellant production via. CO2 sequestration powered by 100% solar energy systems) will eventually rebound to help the Earth?
  • Must we start colonizing Mars now (i.e. beginning in the year 2022) like Elon's timeline suggests? Potentially, if we wait too long, technologies to reverse climate change on Earth may not have advanced enough without the excitement of being spacefaring...

Lets see what everyone thinks about this, and let's keep it civilized in here. Try and get real profound!

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